The Armenian government made a decision on decriminalizing smuggling of imported products; the relevant legislative amendments were approved at the government's today's session. Deputy Head of Armenia's State Revenue Committee Vakhtang Mirumyan stated that drafting of package of amendments is determined by Armenia's membership in EEU and relevant roadmap of brining in line legislative frameworks regulating tax and customs fields in EEU countries.
According to him the key point of the proposed legislative amendments is decriminalization of smuggling set by the articles of Criminal Code on the products imported to Armenia. "This means that after adopting this package the goods imported to Armenia which bypassed customs control or had not clear information in the customs declarations will not be considered as illegal and will not be a subject to criminal responsibility", Mirumyan clarified.
According to him in such cases the economy entities will be offered to pay non-paid customs duties and the criminal responsibility will be replaced with administrative one in an amount of 100% from the customs cost. "In case the economic entities refuse to reimburse for the damage caused to the state they will be pursued by the Article 205 of Armenia's Criminal Code (Evasion from taxes, duties or other mandatory payments)", he stated. Mirumyan also stressed that decriminalization will not relate to cases of smuggling of drugs and weapons and import of radioactive materials.