ArmInfo. Starting next year, the innovation policy in Armenia will be based on a completely new strategy, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia Emil Tarasyan told ArmInfo correspondent.
"When I talk about strategy, I mean not another weak-working document, but a serious concept based on specific goals - real, reconcilable and realizable, containing a clear description of the state's innovative policy with its action plan and expected results for the next 5 years," - he said. According to Tarasyan, by the end of the year experts will complete a full analysis of the current situation, and from March to April 2018, Armenia's innovative policy will begin to be implemented in accordance with this new strategy. As the Deputy Minister informed, the work on the development of the new document is financed by the EU, both local and international companies and experts are involved in this process, involving the private and public sectors. "We want not only the government to feel the ownership of this basic document, but also the non-state sector, so that both of them equally sympathize for the implementation of the program," Tarasyan said. In the need to develop a new innovation strategy, an ever-changing environment and all the new challenges facing the country's economy played an important role.
Tarasyan recalled the forecasts voiced at the forum in Davos by the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) - Professor Klaus Schwab, who noted that the world around is changing at an unprecedented rate and by 2025 the life of humanity will become largely virtual. In this regard, E.Tarasyan sees Armenia as a producer of high technologies and such ambitiousness is quite justified. "Without participation in the world innovative production process, Armenia will not be able to provide a further breakthrough in economic development. We need to make a correct calculation in order to have ready human resources, HiTech - industry, eco-system in engineering, developed IT sector, capable to make a significant multiplicative effect in the economy, and to meet the needs of the defense sector after five years, that for today day is extremely important, "the deputy minister noted.
However, returning to the position of Armenia in the international arena, Tarasyan noted that Armenia occupies the 59th place in the Global Innovation Index (GII) among 128 countries, compared to 60th a year earlier. "Our steps to improve our positions are rather slow. Therefore, in the innovation strategy, it is necessary to concentrate on the elimination of weak positions, "he stressed. Thus, according to him, Armenia occupies the 91st place in the context of the Infrastructure Indicator GII, Armenia is in the 107th place in the implementation of management systems (ISO), the 107th, human capital and research - 103rd, which comes from the 103rd position and the Education rating . In this regard, the Deputy Minister stressed that the challenges in the innovation sphere begin in education: "Here, a significant amount of work is to be implemented, aimed at enhancing creative business skills, creative business thinking, and the formation of creative cadres. Business must enter the educational system. In the opposite case - will be separated from today's reality>.At the same time, the Deputy Minister also noted positive trends according to GII. In particular, according to the indicator Scientific and technological results Armenia ranked 50th among 128 countries, ICT Export Services ranked 22nd, by the Institute indexes - 47, Accessibility to business opening - 9th, Market development - 46, The result of creative activity- 44, etc. "If we define the blocks within the framework of the new strategy, then by and large the innovation policy will be aimed at improving the quality of education and improving the image of the country within the global innovation index with a view to transforming Armenia's economy into knowledge-based economy", concluded Tarasyan.