ArmInfo. In Armenia, according to official figures, there are 7400 families with many children, of whom over 86% receive benefits, and 70% live in dormitories. The head of the Demography Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia, Vanik Babadjanian stated this, during a press conference on December 5.
He noted that the bill on the assistance to large families of Armenia, initiated by the ministry, was submitted to the government, which, he said, was discussed not only with the participation of representatives of state structures, but also members of large families themselves. "Over the past four years, we have investigated the situation with large families in Armenia, in parallel with which the best international experience in this matter. And developing this draft law, we took into account our level of economic development, cultural values, etc.", V. Babadjanyan emphasized. According to the information provided to them, the new bill provides assistance to large families in several areas. In particular, free medical service. "What kind of medical services are meant in this context will be decided by the Government of Armenia," he added. At the same time, children from large families will be admitted to institutions of preschool education out of turn, where tuition fees will be paid with a 50% discount. The return of 50% of the cost of education is also provided for students from large families in higher education institutions in full-time and part-time faculties.
V. Babajanian noted that families with many children will also be included in the state program concerning the solution of the housing issue. At the same time, they will be given the opportunity to formalize mortgage lending on preferential terms, he said. The bill also provides for the beneficiaries of the privilege in the preparation of loans for the purchase of household appliances.
And the final point in the bill on large families is the stimulation of employment and self- employment of families with many children, in particular, the development of the family business, the introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture, etc. "In the issue of large families, we want to make the transition from benefits to self-sufficiency. After all, how much can you pay benefits, so that the family eventually becomes self-sufficient? And, I think, this mechanism will work in Armenia. Because, first of all, Armenians are hard-working people, and secondly, we have no other choice," the expert concluded.
The term "large family" in the new bill implies a family in which 4 or more children live.