ArmInfo. On March 5, the 13th meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) took place in Yerevan, during which the chairmanship of Ukraine passed to Armenia.
Within the framework of the agenda of the IGC meeting, according to the Minister of Transport, Communications and IT of Armenia Vahan Martirosyan, the TRACECA countries intend to approve the Strategy for the development of the international transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia for the period 2016-2026, developed on the basis of a master plan TRACECA and a number of other important strategic issues.
"A number of programs were implemented in the framework of TRACECA in Armenia. In particular, an optical fiber communication line was established from Armenia to Georgia, terminals were built, etc. We intend to continue the implementation of this initiative, based on the programs approved by the IPC, "the Minister said.
As one of the major Marirosyan noted the program of construction of the transport section "North-South".
In particular, the minister noted that in the future, TRACECA will focus on ensuring road safety in the region, digitalizing roads and services, upgrading border points, and ensuring compliance with modern innovation standards.
TRACECA is a program of international cooperation between the European Union and partner countries on the organization of the transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia, which was established in 1993 on the basis of the Brussels Declaration with the participation of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Soon the program was joined by Moldova, Mongolia and Ukraine; in 2000 - Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria, in 2009 - Iran. The TRACECA program consists of various projects, some of which have already been completed by early 2016. Among them - a project to provide technical assistance, uniform for all types of transportation; The project of training of employees of branch departments. The last time in Armenia the meeting was held in 2003.