ArmInfo. Specialized customs point on clearance of vehicles under the State Customs Committee of Armenia conducts constant work aimed at raising quality of provided services and facilitating customs procedures, the press-service of the State Revenue Committee informs.
According to Head of customs house Babken Ghazaryan a number of changes have been made in procedures following the instructions by the Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Revenue Committee. Thus, if previously broker's service was only filling the declaration, while citizen had to undergo the rest procedures, from now on according to the new order car owner hands the package of documents to broker and all the process takes 20 to 30 minutes.
Procedure of clearance of goods transported via vehicle will be conducted in the customs house. According to Ghazaryan previously these goods were transported to the customs warehouse, then to the regional customs division where the clearance procedures of the goods were made.
''By the Prime Minister's instruction the car prices on international markets are being studied and if the information mentioned in the document is true the car is estimated on its price and relevant customs cost is being calculated. The car owner may jointly with the inspector follow the prices on the market. Due to this possibility of setting inaccurate price is excluded, the process is now more transparent, public and foreseeable'', the head of the customs house mentioned.
According to the instruction by the Head of State Revenue Committee in the nearest future customs divisions will be given part of functions related to customs procedures. Thus, if previously companies importing cars had to receive customs clearance on the deal price in the Committee, now the customs house will perform this function.
As for the statistics according to Ghazaryan import of cars has increased by 30% since the beginning of the year. In October alone 1820 cars were imported from third countries, due to which budget was replenished with 1 bln 480 mlnd drams. 980 cars were imported from EEU countries.