Wednesday, February 10 2021, 17:54


HSBC Armenia Named Best Cash Management Bank by 2020 Euromoney Cash Management Poll
 Tuesday, February 9 2021, 14:59

ArmInfo.For the third year in a row, HSBC Bank Armenia cjsc (hereinafter HSBC Armenia) has been ranked No.1 Domestic Cash Manager for Corporates by Euromoney magazine’s 2020 Cash management poll. HSBC Armenia was also recognized as No.1 bank for Service for Corporates in Armenia for the second year in a row.

 Tuesday, February 9 2021, 14:56


Armenian Ambassador took part in IRAN PLAST-2021 exhibition
 Monday, February 8 2021, 11:44

ArmInfo.Armenian Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran Artashes Tumanyan took part in the opening ceremony of the 14th International Exhibition of  Plastics, Rubber, Machinery and Equipment (IRAN PLAST-2021).

AraratBank raises USD 5 million from BlueOrchard Covid-19 Emerging and Frontier Markets MSME Support Fund
 Wednesday, February 3 2021, 14:40

ArmInfo.AraratBank and BlueOrchard Covid-19 Emerging and Frontier Markets MSME Support Fund concluded a bilateral loan agreement for a total amount of USD 5 million to support MSMEs affected by COVID-19 in Armenia.    

 Monday, February 1 2021, 18:11


Central Bank of Armenia imposed penalty on the "Finca" credit company
 Friday, January 22 2021, 19:22

ArmInfo. The Central Bank of  Armenia applied a penalty in relation to the universal credit company  CJSC "Finca" ("Finca" UCO) for the sums to be returned. This is  stated in the message of the Central Bank's press service, which  states that the measure of responsibility against the Finca UCO was  applied for revealed violations of the requirements of the RA Law "On  Consumer Lending" and Regulation 8/05 "Rules of Business Conduct of  Financial Organizations". A fine in the amount of 500 thousand AMD  was imposed on Finca and corresponding instructions were given.   Clients who received consumer loans, agricultural loans (in the  amount of up to AMD 5 million), trade loans (up to AMD 5 million  provided to micro-trade organizations) from Jan 1, 2018 to July 30,  2020 from Finca, and fully fulfilled credit obligations, including  early repayments, for which the annual interest rate was not  recalculated at the time of loan repayment, can contact the company  and receive back the amounts to be returned as a result of the  recalculations made by the company. The company will return these  amounts during 2021.

sets up a subsidiary credit company "Post Credit"
 Friday, January 22 2021, 16:52

ArmInfo. The national postal  operator of Armenia, the state-owned company "Haypost" CJSC  (Armpost), is creating a subsidiary credit company "Post Credit". As  noted in the statement of the operator, a corresponding application  has been submitted to the Central Bank of Armenia for registration of  a financial company and licensing.

 Thursday, January 21 2021, 13:30


The Central Bank of Armenia imposed penalty against the credit  company "MOGO"
 Friday, January 15 2021, 18:18

ArmInfo. The Central Bank of Armenia applied a penalty against the universal credit company "MOGO" LLC ("MOGO") for the amount to be returned. This is stated in the  message of the press service of the Central Bank, where it is  indicated that the audit was carried out by the Department of the  Central Bank of the RA for financial supervision and licensing.  

Armenia plans to remove obstacles that are not conducive to  public-private partnership 
 Thursday, January 14 2021, 13:50

ArmInfo.  In Armenia, it is  planned to remove obstacles that are not conducive to public-private  partnership.

 Tuesday, January 12 2021, 18:38


Collector coin “Komitas-150” took the 3rd place in the nomination “Coin of the Year” in the international contest
 Monday, January 11 2021, 20:02

ArmInfo.The silver collector coin issued by the Central Bank of Armenia in 2019 and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the world-renowned Armenian composer and musicologist Komitas took the 3rd place in the nomination “Coin of the Year” in the 14th international contest “Coin Constellation-2020” (RF).

 Tuesday, December 29 2020, 16:14


IDBank joins World Vision’s Secret Santa Campaign 
 Wednesday, December 23 2020, 16:17

ArmInfo.IDBank employees and those who wish have an opportunity to become a “Secret Santa” for the children who moved to Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh.

 Tuesday, December 22 2020, 12:51


Philip Morris has invested about $ 10 million to create a research  center at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia
 Friday, December 18 2020, 17:42

ArmInfo.Philip Morris has invested about $ 10 million to create a PMI Science research center at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia. According to the  press service of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry, 19 Armenian  scientists work in the center, who together with the Swiss center  carry out projects in such areas as databases, technologies and  materials science.

Tigran Jrbashyan forecasted a decline in Armenia`s GDP in the range  of 8.5-9.3% for 2020: ``Armenia faces "perfect storm"
 Thursday, December 17 2020, 15:47

ArmInfo.Armenia, amid martial law and the second wave of coronavirus with a rapid spread, will sum up 2020 with a decline in GDP in the range of 8.5-9.3%. Such a  forecast during an online press conference was given by the head of  the "Ameria" consulting company, a well-known economist Tigran  Jrbashyan, noting at the same time that a particularly large decline  will be in imports, while the decline in exports will continue.

All-Armenian Fund "Hayastan" will donate $ 1.1 million to the  Military Insurance Fund
 Wednesday, December 9 2020, 13:50

ArmInfo.The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund will transfer $ 1.1 million from the amount  transferred within the framework of the fundraising campaign "We and  Our Borders" to the Military Insurance Fund. The press service of the  Hayastan All-Armenian Fund reports.

“The power of One dram” to the Rehabilitation center of the homeland defender
 Friday, December 4 2020, 18:20

ArmInfo.“The power of One dram” has summed up the next program: during 2 months IDBank and Idram have gathered AMD 3 603 291 by transferring 1 dram for each payment of their clients. The amount will be donated to the Insurance foundation for servicemen.

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