Monday, April 3 2023, 15:18


With organizational support of Ameriabank and SPRING PR, first  "Doing Digital-Exploring Digital Future" forum to be held in Yerevan  on April 5
 Tuesday, March 14 2023, 12:29

ArmInfo.  The first "DoingDigital - Exploring Digital Future" Forum will be held in Yerevan on April 5. The Forum's  founder and organizeris SPRING PR Company, co-organizer - Ameriabank. 

Economist: If exchange rate does not contribute to expansion of  exportable sectors of economy, CB will have no choice but to start  relying on  Government
 Monday, March 6 2023, 18:00

ArmInfo.If the exchange rate does not contribute to the expansion of the exportable sectors of the economy, the Central Bank will have no choice but to start relying on the Government. Former Minister of Finance of Armenia, director of the Institute of Economics and Business of the RAU, Doctor of Economics. Edward Sandoyan expressed a similar opinion during the RAU Global Forum. In such a case, as the economist further noted, the authorities will have to use fiscal mechanisms to stimulate exportable sectors of the economy.

Armenia`s minister of economy meets with BostonGene company reps 
 Monday, January 30 2023, 12:30

ArmInfo.Armenia's Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan held a meeting with representatives of the BostonGene IT company. 

 Thursday, January 26 2023, 15:24


 Thursday, January 5 2023, 12:52


Experts: Armenia`s energy security is key component of national  security
 Tuesday, December 20 2022, 11:33

ArmInfo.Armenia's energy security is a key component of national security.  This was discussed at the public discussions organized by the Democratic Consolidation  Party, held on December 17, 2022.

Poverty rate in Armenia in 2021 increased by 0.1% compared to 2019
 Thursday, December 1 2022, 16:13

ArmInfo. The poverty rate in Armenia in 2021 was 26.5%. At the same time, the indicator in 2021, compared to 2020, decreased (by 0.5 p.e.), compared to 2019, it  increased by 0.1%.  Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan stated  this on December 1 at a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Largest mining company in Armenia presents its first ESG report
 Tuesday, November 22 2022, 21:13

ArmInfo. The largest mining enterprise in Armenia, Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine,  presented its first ESG report today. The event, organized by the Union of Miners and Metallurgists of Armenia, took place at the Polytechnic University of  Armenia and was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the  establishment of the ZCMC.

 Monday, October 31 2022, 18:59


YSU biologists have obtained organic fertilizer from coffee waste  
 Wednesday, October 26 2022, 16:11

ArmInfo.A group of  5 biologists from Yerevan State University have founded MiCoFe Startup and started recycling various types of organic waste. Using coffee waste, young biologists have created organic fertilizer stimulating crop growth.

EEC Head: Economic interdependence reduces the risks of conflicts
 Thursday, October 20 2022, 17:14

ArmInfo.The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union should use every chance and strengthen Eurasian integration, which will increase the competitiveness of  national economies. Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic  Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich stated on October 20, delivering a  speech at the Yerevan State University.

Promises to increase the minimum wage and pensions in the future are  all idle talk. We have to act today:  Atom Margaryan
 Monday, July 11 2022, 16:42

ArmInfo. YOY inflation in June 2022 increased to 10.3% in the consumer market of Armenia. Food prices went up by 17.1%.

EPIC announces start of accepting applications for participation in  Entrepreneurship World Cup 
 Thursday, June 23 2022, 00:38

ArmInfo.AUA Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) has announced the start of accepting applications for participation in the Entrepreneurship  World Cup (EWC) 2022.  

VIVA-MTS has new CEO
 Wednesday, June 15 2022, 16:58

ArmInfo.Armen Avetisian has been appointed new CEO of VIVA-MTS.

Vahan Kerobyan: The future of Armenia is in technological development
 Wednesday, June 15 2022, 16:38

ArmInfo. Armenia today is a country of opportunities with a modern, educated, hardworking human capital, cooperating in various formats with numerous countries.   Armenian Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan stated this during his  speech at the solemn opening ceremony of the  Science and Business  Days conference.  He noted that the future of Armenia is in  technological development, building a knowledge-intensive economy,  which is a priority for the government in terms of the development of  the country.

First sitting of Economic Policy Council under PM took place in  Yerevan 
 Monday, June 6 2022, 14:48

ArmInfo.RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan chaired the first sitting of the Economic Policy Council under the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, held via video  link.  

WB allocates another $25 million loan to Armenia for the development  of education system
 Monday, May 23 2022, 15:22

ArmInfo.The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a $25 million loan for Additional Financing of the Education Improvement Project(EIP) in Armenia. The press service of the Bank reports.

Innovative Agradrons Laboratory has been opened at Armenian National Agrarian University 
 Friday, May 6 2022, 21:20

ArmInfo. The Precision Agriculture Center with a drone training laboratory was opened today at the National Agrarian University of Armenia

 Friday, April 29 2022, 18:02


Exchange rates