Establishment of direct Armenian-Turkish trade and economic contacts  changes the geo-economic balance, expert says 
 Wednesday, March 23 2022, 13:42

ArmInfo.The establishment of direct Armenian-Turkish trade and economic contacts changes the geo-economic balance. And it is highly important to assess these changes from the point of view of the regional and world powers, each of the South  Caucasus states and all the neighboring states, believes Mr Ara  Karyan, Associate Professor at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic)  University.  

EBRD appoints George Akhalkatsi head of Yerevan Office
 Thursday, March 17 2022, 16:30

ArmInfo.The European Bank for Reconstruction and  Development (EBRD) has appointed George Akhalkatsi as the new head of  its Yerevan Resident Office, replacing Dimitri Gvindadze.

Former adviser of Alen Simonyan elected as a member of the Board of  the Central Bank
 Friday, March 4 2022, 13:54

ArmInfo.On March 4, the National Assembly of Armenia elected Leon Sahakyan, former Advisor to the NA Speaker Alen Simonyan, as the 5th member of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia by secret ballot.  70 out of 107 MPs  took part in the voting, 69 supported the candidacy, 1 voted  "against".

Armenia starts field work on Armenian section of  Yeraskh - Julfa -  Ordubad - Meghri - Horadiz railway
 Thursday, March 3 2022, 18:03

ArmInfo.Armenia is starting field work on the Armenian section of the Yeraskh - Julfa - Ordubad - Meghri - Horadiz railway. The corresponding decision was made on  March 3 at the meeting of the RA government.

Forecast: By improving its economy, Armenia will have more  flexibility in foreign policy to normalize relations with Turkey
 Monday, February 14 2022, 16:55

ArmInfo.By establishing diplomatic relations with Turkey and opening the borders for Turkish capital, the Armenian leadership will first of all improve the  economy. And on the example of Georgia, I do not at all think that  all this can threaten Armenia with Turkish expansion.  Professor of  the Georgian Technical University, Doctor of International Relations,  conflictologist Amiran Khevtsuriani, expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo

 Monday, February 14 2022, 13:31


Economist: Armenia`s export structure has degraded greatly over the  past 20 years
 Saturday, January 22 2022, 15:59

ArmInfo. The structure of Armenia's exports has seriously degraded over the past 20 years. A similar opinion was expressed by  Head of Management Advisory  Services at. Ameria company Tigran Jrbashyan on the air of the First  Channel.

Hovhannes Khachatryan elected Deputy Head of Central Bank of Armenia
 Wednesday, January 19 2022, 12:30

ArmInfo. On January 19, the National Assembly of Armenia elected Hovhannes Khachatryan to the post of Deputy Governor of the Central Bank (CB) of the Republic of Armenia by secret ballot.

Andranik Grigoryan is the CEO of Converse Bank, Chairman of Executive Management.
 Wednesday, January 5 2022, 17:37

ArmInfo.Andranik Grigoryan has been appointed as the CEO of Converse Bank, Chairman of Executive Management.

New Generation programme in progress at ARMENAL 
 Monday, December 13 2021, 12:32

ArmInfo. About 20 young ARMENAL employees are involved in the New Generation programme by RUSAL. The programme is designed to create conditions for training and unlocking the potential of promising specialists, the company`s press service told  ArmInfo. 

 Tuesday, September 28 2021, 16:09


Armenian government to allocate $ 50 million to transform Areni  community as a cradle of winemaking
 Thursday, September 23 2021, 18:26

ArmInfo. Today we are improperly applying the "cradle of winemaking" brand to the Areni community. Minister of Economy of Armenia Vahan Kerobyan expressed  this opinion in an interview to Public Television.

А success story - Argentinean center
 Wednesday, September 1 2021, 16:38

ArmInfo.Converse Bank sends greetings on Knowledge and Education Day and presents a remarkable educational initiative - the Argentinean Center by the Linguistic University after Bryussov.

YSU with financial support of IDBank announces Scholarship Competition after Gevorg Arshakyan
 Monday, August 9 2021, 18:51

ArmInfo..In memory of the hero of the 44-day Artsakh war, Chevalier of the Order of the Battle Cross of the 1st degree, the best student of YSU Gevorg Arshakyan, Yerevan State University with the financial support of IDBank announces a competition for the assignment of scholarships after Gevorg Arshakyan.

Education is the basis of a strong state: IDBank and Russian-Armenian University announced cooperation
 Friday, July 30 2021, 13:31

ArmInfo.The Institute of Economics and Business of the Russian-Armenian University and IDBank signed a memorandum of cooperation, within the framework of which, with the support of the Bank, the master's educational program "Data Analytics" will be developed and implemented.

 Wednesday, July 14 2021, 13:26


Possibilities of expanding Armenian-French cooperation in field of  high technologies discussed in Yerevan
 Saturday, July 10 2021, 10:55

ArmInfo. The possibilities of expanding the Armenian-French cooperation in the field of high technologies were discussed during the meeting of acting Minister of  High Technologies of the Republic of Armenia Hayk Chobanyan and  Ambassador of France to Armenia Jonathan Lacote.

Carolin Geginat is Country Manager of World Bank for Armenia as of  July 1, 2021
 Thursday, July 1 2021, 18:52

ArmInfo. Carolin Geginat is the Country Manager of the World Bank (WB) for Armenia as of July 1, 2021. This is stated in the message of the WB.

Allocates Additional $ 2.65 Million to Strengthen Armenia`s Agricultural Sector
 Wednesday, February 24 2021, 11:16

ArmInfo.The United States Agency for International  Development (USAID) announced additional funding of $ 2.65 million to strengthen Armenia's  agricultural sector, including more targeted support for women entrepreneurs and the creation  of cooperatives.

 Monday, February 22 2021, 17:50


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