ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank will start servicing Japanese JCB cards
 Friday, July 27 2018, 23:21

ArmInfo. As a result of cooperation between ACBA-Credit Agricole and the leading Japanese company JCB Co. International, a card issuer, it became possible to service Japanese JCB cards in Armenia. This was reported by the  Bank's press service.

Ardshinbank cut interest rates on mortgage loans
 Friday, July 27 2018, 23:04

ArmInfo. Ardshinbank reduced  interest rates on mortgage loans refinanced by the National Mortgage  Company. As the press service of the Bank reports, AMD mortgage loans  in Ardshinbank will be available at an interest rate starting at  7.95% per annum (the annual effective interest rate starts at 9.02%).

The Mobile Banking application of Ardshinbank provides an opportunity  to carry out all banking operations anywhere in the world
 Tuesday, July 24 2018, 14:50

ArmInfo.Free application of Mobile Banking Ardshinbank provides an opportunity for individuals on hot summer weekends to carry out almost all banking operations and  enjoy a number of advantages anywhere in the world at any time.  As  the Bank's press service informs, remotely remittances, payments,  repayment of loans and replenishment of deposits are carried out  quickly, simply and conveniently. Within the framework of the  application, there are favorable conditions for currency conversion.

Ardshinbank offers large business loans on low interest rates to SMEs  and farmers 
 Thursday, July 19 2018, 10:23

ArmInfo.Ardshinbank offers business loans to SMEs and farmers at an interest rate starting from 8% per annum, with a maturity of up to 15 years, up to 100 million  drams, the press service of the Bank informed ArmInfo.

Converse Bank launched the process of forgiving accumulated fines and  penalties on bad loans 
 Wednesday, July 11 2018, 17:32

ArmInfo. Converse Bank, responding  to the latest changes in the Tax Code, decided to proceed with the implementation of the state program on amnesty of accumulated fines  and penalties on overdue loans to individuals. As the press service  of the Bank explained, the matter concerns the loans classified by  May 31, 2018 as non-performing with a delay of 271 days or more. The  condition put forward by the Bank to the borrower is the repayment of  the loan principal and payment of the accrued interest.

 Wednesday, July 11 2018, 15:05


 Wednesday, July 11 2018, 13:46

ArmInfo. Ardshinbank partners with International Investment Bank to support the imports of high-tech equipment to Armenia for small hydropower plants from the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. In total EUR 5 million of import transactions are being financed by the Bank through the IIB’s Trade Finance Support Programme. 

Ardshinbank launched process of zeroing accumulated fines, penalties  for bad loans to individuals
 Monday, July 9 2018, 13:46

ArmInfo. Ardshinbank, adhering to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, and within the framework of its policy of assisting individual borrowers by providing, on acceptable terms, instruments for restructuring and refinancing of bad credit obligations, has launched the process of zeroing accumulated fines and penalties on bad loans of individuals.  The press service of the Bank informed ArmInfo about this.

Ardshinbank: Mobile Banking - a 24/7 option to conduct banking  operations without visiting the bank
 Tuesday, July 3 2018, 14:49

ArmInfo.The Mobile Banking application of Ardshinbank provides individuals with the ability to conduct banking transactions 24/7 without visiting the bank. The  press service of the Bank informed ArmInfo about this.

Ardshinbank installed in its branches self-service devices for making  money transfers around the clock
 Thursday, June 28 2018, 11:45

ArmInfo. Henceforth, clients of Ardshinbank will be able to make money transfers in a matter of minutes via self-service devices, specifying only the name and  surname of the recipient. As the press service of the Bank told  ArmInfo, self-service devices installed in the capital and regional  branches of Ardshinbank are available to customers around the clock.

 Tuesday, June 26 2018, 13:14


Ardshinbank offers favorable loan conditions through Meghucard
 Monday, June 25 2018, 14:34

ArmInfo. Ardshybank offers favorable conditions for crediting with MasterCard/Meghucard. According to the press service of the bank, through Meghucard, customers will be able to receive a revolving credit line for 900  thousand AMD, with a maturity of up to 24 months.  In case of  repayment of the loan for 6 months, the borrower will be serviced at  the effective interest rate of 0%.

Distant account opening and servicing now available at Ardshinbank
 Saturday, June 23 2018, 09:32

ArmInfo.Ardshinbank continues to expand its distance banking services, giving its customers the opportunity to open a card account from abroad without visiting the Bank. The service is available to all individual clients who live outside Armenia and have an active bank account at another bank.

ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank has now agreed with Ardshinbank on the  project "Unified ATM network"
 Wednesday, June 20 2018, 15:35

ArmInfo.ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank, within the framework of the Unified ATM Network project, is expanding the possibilities of servicing its cardholders, and has now  agreed with Ardshinbank. Two large card market players - ACBA-Credit  Agricole Bank and VTB Bank (Armenia) - initiated this project with  the launch in October 2014, which in June 2018 was joined by another  major player in the plastic market - Ardshinbank.

 Monday, June 18 2018, 17:27


 Friday, June 15 2018, 15:20


 Wednesday, June 13 2018, 13:45


Customer base of Armenian banks increased by 4.4% per annum by April  2018, with an 8% increase in bills, accounts are almost twice as  large as clients 
 Wednesday, June 6 2018, 14:19

ArmInfo. The customer base of the Armenian banking system totaled 2 446 724  individuals and 80 182 legal entities as of April 1, 2018. According  to the Central Bank, provided by the National Statistical Service of  Armenia, a total of 2,526,906 customers had in the Armenian banks  4,703,539 accounts, of which 4,537,222 - physical accounts and 166  317 - accounts of legal entities.

Ardshinbank improved lending terms for real estate
 Monday, June 4 2018, 15:44

ArmInfo. Ardshinbank since June 4 2018 offers individuals better conditions for obtaining loans secured by real estate. As the press service of the Bank explains, interest rates on dollar loans have decreased.

Ardshinbank offers preferential terms for obtaining pension cards
 Friday, May 18 2018, 12:52

ArmInfo. Ardshinbank offers  preferential terms for obtaining pension cards. As the press service  of the Bank told ArmInfo, differing specially discounted tariffs for  pensioners, these cards become safer and more profitable when they  receive pensions. Issue and maintenance of these cards is free of  charge.

Exchange rates