ArmInfo. The Armenian government has approved today the loan agreement between Armenia and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed on April 5 2016 on providing 5.5 mln EUR for implementation of modern solid waste management solutions.
Armenia's Deputy Minister of Finance Pavel Safaryan informed that the program is being implemented within Solid Waste Management project in Kotayk and Gegharqunik regions. 3.5 mln EUR will be directed to creation of necessary infrastructure n Kotayk region and 2 mln EUR for solving problems related to waste management in Gegharqunik region.
The loan funds are provided at 14 years term, with 2 years of grace period (for 3.5 mln EUR), the remaining 2 mln EUR for15 years term with 3 years of grace period at 6 month EURIBOR+1%.