ArmInfo. President Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with Jan Vapaavuori, the new Vice-President of European Investment Bank. According to the information shared by the Presidential press-office, the President highly appreciated Armenia's cooperation with EIB, which, according to the President's estimate, is of a high efficiency and intensity. EIB funds projects supporting
Armenia's economic growth both in respect to infrastructure and aimed at the small and medium business support. In this aspect we do consider EIB as our strategic partner," Serzh Sargsyan said. President also accentuated the importance of meetings to EIB management, which recently are being held on a permanent basis.
In his turn, Vice President Jan Vapaavuori thanked Republic of Armenia for the effective cooperation with European Investment Bank, which, despite having not very long history ( the first Agreement has been signed in 2007, and the first oan project implemented in 2010), anyway comprises a very efficient work. " We are especially glad for the high level of signed and implemented projects. We see that you have all the necessary tools to implement these programs," Jan Vapaavuori mentioned.
Armenian President thanked EIB for participation in one of the most important projects in our country - modernization of "Bagratashen", "Bavra" and "Gogavan" checkpoints.
Serzh Sargsyan and EIB Vice-President referred also to other issues of Armenia-EIB cooperation.