ArmInfo. Cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency will shorten the way of export of Armenian organic agricultural products to the EU market. The Minister of Agriculture of Armenia Ignaty Arakelyan expressed this opinion on March 30 at a press conference.
According to him, this year, 28 organizations that expressed a desire to engage in the cultivation of organic products have already been selected. They will receive grants for the purchase of real estate and the launch of organic production. In the two years of cooperation, as the Minister further noted, 46 farms have already received grants, the total amount of which exceeded 1 million EUR.
"We will continue to cooperate with the Austrian Development Agency in this direction, as the potential of organic products of Armenia is much higher than the used volume," Araqelyan said. At the same time, Araqelyan stressed that at the moment the Ministry is trying to develop more large-scale projects to promote the development of organic agriculture in cooperation with Austrian representatives. In this connection, he added that a program aimed at raising public awareness of the privileges of organic will be launched soon, along with certain amendments to the legislative package.
"In my opinion, the Armenian organic products will be more competitive in the EU market than the traditional one," he summed up.