ArmInfo. Agarak-2 and Shinuhayr electrical power substations modernization works started in Armenia, Armenian Ministry of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources press service informs.
According to the source, the implementation of the project is being carried with the help of Asiatic Development Bank. The total price of the program is $31.9. The modernization is being implemented by Liaoning-EFACEC Electrical Equipment Co. LTD and Northeast China International Electric Power Corporation Chinese Company.
To note, Shinuhayr electrical power substation in 220 kilovolt was earlier reconstructed partly by means of World Bank loans. Particularly, primary equipment was replaced, however, the equipment of the secondary level, including relay protection and safety systems, is morally and physically out-of repair. They do not allow to provide reliable and safe operation of the facility and require replacement. Power substation itself was built in 1961.
What refers to electric power substation Agarak-2, in the framework of the program for the modernization of high-voltage power lines, it is planned to install an additional autotransformer with a capacity of 220/110 kilovolts. In this way, a link will be created with 220 and 110 kilovolt power lines in this section, which will provide consumers with backup power and Agarak-1 electrical substation. The implementation of the project will ensure a stable connection with the electric power system of Iran.
The implementation of the program will promote providing security of energy complex in Armenia and increase of its safety, will decrease to zero the loss level. Both projects are scheduled to be finished in 2019.