ArmInfo. A single center will be created in Armenia to implement the government's digital agenda. The corresponding instruction was made by the RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetian on July 6 at a meeting of the republic's executive body.
As the head of government reminded, the five-year program of the Armenian government defined a number of complex events conditioned by the digital agenda with the indication of specific timelines for their implementation by the schedules. In addition, it is envisaged to adopt a digital strategy and action plan based on public-private cooperation. The Council of National Directorate for the promotion of digital development has already been formed, the program for creating a single digital environment is under development, the prime minister said.
According to him, international experience and current developments in the implementation of the current digital agenda require the development of a single, specialized and systematic approach. In this regard, Karen Karapetyan instructed the head of the government apparatus to submit a package of proposals on forming a special - specialized link for systematization of the development of electronic public administration systems within 15 days. "We should have a single center that will regulate our policy of the digital agenda," the Armenian Prime Minister concluded.