ArmInfo. The insurance sector of Armenia paid 1.5 billion drams in the first half of 2017, exceeding the figure of the previous year by 36.4%. Of this amount, 1.4 billion drams fell on direct taxes (including income tax and income tax), which is 40% higher than last year's figure. According to the RA State Revenue Committee, in the list of 1000 largest taxpayers of Armenia, according to the results of the first half of 2017, all 6 insurance companies operating on the market were included.
The list was headed by IC "INGO Armenia" which took 141st place (against 218th year earlier), replenishing the state budget by 530.5mln AMD, out of which509.9 million drams - on direct taxes. The Rosgosstrakh Armenia Insurance Company, which took 153rd place (against the 210th year earlier), paid 454.7mln AMD to the state budget, out of which 413.4mln AMD - on direct taxes (including profit tax and income tax ). SC "Nairi Insurance" - 256th place (against 245th year earlier), transferring 248.7mln drams to the state treasury, incl. 232.6 million drams - income tax and income tax. SK "Sil Insurance" took 425th place (against 498th year earlier), paying 130mln AMD, from which the amount of profit tax and income tax amounted to 112.3mln AMD. RESO Insurance Company - 577th place (compared to 723th a year earlier), paying 95mln AMD, of which the amount of profit tax and income tax amounted to 83.9mln AMD. "Armenia Insurance" Insurance Company - 589th place (against 438th year before), paying 93 million drams, of which 84.2 million - on income tax and income tax.
According to the Ranking of Insurance Companies of Armenia, prepared by the "ArmInfo" news agency, the aggregate accumulated profit of the Armenian insurance sector reached 4.9 billion drams by July 1, 2017, having increased by 21.8% year-on-year. By July 1, accumulated profit was recorded in 4 out of 6 operating companies. The first place in terms of accumulated profit was taken by Rosgosstrakh Armenia with a 2.8 billion drams (annual growth of 42%), second place - Armenia Insurance -1.9 billion drams (an annual growth of 13.4%), third place - Nairi Insurance - 1.2 billion drams (annual growth of 32.6%), the fourth - INGO Armenia Insurance Company - 631.2 million drams Annual decline of 17.3%). The losses were accumulated by Insurance Company Insurance Company and RESO Insurance Company - in aggregate 1.6 billion drams. The first half of the year, 2017, the insurance sector completed with a book profit of 1.6 billion drams (annual decline of 47.2%), which after taxes paid a net profit of 1.3 billion drams (annual decline of 51.6%). According to net profit, the first three positions are occupied by Rosgosstrakh Armenia, Nairi Insurance and INGO Armenia. (The calculated exchange rate of the dram to the dollar as of June 30, 17 was 480.47 dr / $ 1).