ArmInfo. INGO Armenia Insurance Company is a system- forming, client-oriented, sustainable, and one of the most developed in terms of innovation. Such an opinion on September 29 at a press conference timed to the 20th anniversary of INGO Armenia Insurance Company, Tatiana Kaygorodova, Deputy General Director of SPC Ingosstrakh, said.
"INGO Armenia" combines such unique qualities as very high level of financial stability and corporate values inherent in large business. On the one hand, of course, this is implemented with the help of Ingostrakh, but on the other hand, the tremendous client-orientation of INGO Armenia is worth learning for us. INGO Armenia is a company that is an example of how in a country with a small market it is possible to conduct business effectively and qualitatively," T. Kaigorodova said.
Director General, Chairman of the Management Board of SPC Ingostrakh Mikhail Volkov stressed: "INGO Armenia" occupies a very important place in the group of Ingostrakh. At us now a double anniversary - Ingostrakh will celebrate 70 years in a month, and INGO Armenia already celebrates its 20th anniversary, and for the insurance market these are absolutely significant dates. Ingostrakh owns a controlling stake in INGO Armenia since 2003, and since then we have been actively developing this company. And as it grows faster than our Russian business, we hope that it will occupy an increasingly important place in the Group. But in the Armenian market, INGO Armenia already holds serious positions, but we see many opportunities and great potential for development. For me, it would be very important to see that in the business digital technologies this company will achieve successes ahead of us. We are proud of the INGO Armenia team."
T. Kaigorodova stressed that Armenia occupies a special place in INGO in the segment of medical insurance. "We are aware that starting from October 1 this year the program of obligatory medical insurance of civil servants will start in Armenia and, of course, INGO Armenia with its unique experience in this segment will make an impressive contribution to the development of local self-government bodies," Kaygorodova added.
Executive director of "INGO Armenia" Arevshat Meliksetyan for his part explained: "We are seriously preparing for the second key stage of the market development - introduction of compulsory medical insurance." The program for transition to the MLA will be implemented in stages: first, on October 1 this year, civil servants will receive a social package, then the citizens who fall under the category of the underprivileged, and in the future, the timeframe has not yet been established, all the other working citizens. We are insurers, we are aware that from the success we will be able to pass the first stage, the state will entrust us with the exercise Adding the second and third - a full transition to the CHI. "
INGO Armenia Insurance Company, originally known as Efes, was born in 1997. Renaming took place in 2004, when the Russian insurance giant, Ingostrakh, decided to enter the Armenian market, acquiring a 75% stake in Efes and renaming it, according to its strategy, to INGO Armenia. As of January 1, 2017, the assets of INGO Armenia reached 11.8 billion AMD, equity capital - 3.96 billion, insurance premiums - 8.7 billion, insurance indemnities - 3.5 billion AMD. 2016, "INGO Armenia" completed with a net profit of 0.9 billion AMD. The insurance portfolio of the company is quite diversified, but the dominant in terms of premiums are OSAGO, medical insurance, and property insurance. (the calculated exchange rate for 31.12.2017 - 483.94 AMD/USD1).