ArmInfo. Today in Armenia, the second most common group of diseases is oncology, which puts a heavy burden on both medicine and the economy. The growth in the mortality rate leads to a decrease in GDP growth of 0.5%. In other words, public health directly affects the state of the country's economy.Unfortunately, in Armenia, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence rate has reached a critical level and in terms of growth rates ranks first among the countries of the former USSR. Without new high-quality medical technologies, the republic can not cope with the problem. In the National Center of OncologyV.A. In a year around 11,000 patients receive medical care. Also there is a specialized center in the second largest and most important city of Armenia - Gyumri. Substantial changes were made in these centers: medical equipment was modernized, buildings were repaired. However, due to the increase in morbidity, the presence of one or even two medical centers is not enough.In recent years, the Russian Federation has become an increasingly active player in the nuclear medicine market. The Russian company Rosatom is among the five largest producers of raw medical isotopes in the world, and it is no coincidence that Rosatom began deliveries of equipment for medical institutions of Armenia.In early 2015, the first generator of Technetium-99m with a capacity of 19 GBq produced by OAO NIFHI. L.Ya. Karpov. "Generators and sets of Russian-made ones are sent to JSC" National Center of Oncology named after. V.A. Fanardzhyan "and ZAO" Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology. L. Oganesyan. "The need for Armenia in isotopes is more than 5 thousand doses per year In March 2015, the C-18 cyclotron was installed on the territory of the A.Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory (Yerevan Institute of Physics), thus, prerequisites appeared in Armenia for local production of radiopharmaceuticals in quantities fully covering the state's need.As of April 2017, a medical cyclotron was installed on the territory of the Institute of Physics, thanks to which, on the basis of obtaining the fluorine isotope (F18) The project will be carried out in several stages.The first stage is the launch of the Center for the Production of Radioisotopes and Molecular Diagnostics.The medical facility will be equipped with the most modern laboratory medical equipment.The presence of a scan will allow the highest level of diagnostics of malignant tumors in the body, and, at the cellular level. In the issue of the completion of the project, Armenia counts on assistance from a number of states and companies, as well as on the introduction of best practices.
Aram Avetisov, associate professor of the Department of Radiation Medicine and Ecology of the Belarusian State Medical University, said that Armenia and Belarus have all the prerequisites for developing bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear medicine. Moreover, an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy has been signed and ratified. In Belarus, the first steps have been taken to develop this type of medicine. There are all the latest technologies, including positron emission tomography (PET), which, together with other technologies for promptly obtaining medical information in the language of experts, is called "visualization of medical information." "This is the latest squeak of fashion and a tribute to the speed and efficiency against a relatively small price," said Aram Avetisov, expressing confidence that joint efforts can achieve good results in this direction. The technology of positron emission and computed tomography (PET / CT) makes it possible not only to quickly examine the appearance of certain pathological parts of organs and tissues, but also to see how the metabolism proceeds in them, how these tissues are located in relation to neighboring organs. Cancer cells are more active than others grow and multiply, so they consume more glucose. Before the study, glucose labeled with radioactive fluorine is injected into the patient's body, and it is with the help of a PET scanner that it indicates the location and size of the tumor. This allows doctors to see the "portrait" of cancer, to reveal the smallest foci of the disease. At the same time, the PET / KET procedure is absolutely painless. The patient will find out the results of the diagnosis on the same day that the study was conducted. "Of course, we should follow those who have gone through a certain path and have the necessary experience: Japan, the United States, the European Union countries," the expert said, expressing hope for the establishment of cooperation between Armenia and Belarus, which will lead to the implementation of joint programs. "Without nuclear medicine, today it is impossible to live, because it is a safe and effective method of diagnostics and treatment using modern technologies," Aram Avetisov stated, adding that with the use of this technology the population's health will only improve. The expert stressed that the sphere of oncology is far from the only field of application of nuclear medicine, although it is most in demand. To this area, it is also necessary to include cardiology and neurology, in which the most advanced nuclear technologies are actively used. In particular, with the help of nuclear medicine, today there are all possibilities for assessing the functioning of the right and left stomachs, visualization of the blood supply to the heart muscle, detection of the epilepsy focus, visualization of the consequences of craniocerebral trauma, etc.However, in most cases, nuclear medicine is nevertheless called upon to solve the problems of the treatment of oncological diseases. The expert noted that nuclear medicine performs such tasks as detection of tumors, metastases and relapses, determining the extent of the tumor process, differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as treatment of malignant tumors and evaluation of the effectiveness of antitumor therapy. Diagnostic methods used in nuclear medicine are highly effective in the music lover, lymphoma, lung cancer, head and neck tumors, esophagus cancer, stomach, pancreas, ovaries, cervix, breast, prostate. Thanks to the development of medicine in general, the average life expectancy, especially in developed countries, is increasing.It should be noted that according to the IAEA, annually the demand for nuclear medicine services in the world will grow by 10-22%. The value of advances in nuclear medicine is to identify diseases that are not diagnosed by other methods in the early stages. Early diagnosis of cancer significantly increases the patient's chances of recovery.