ArmInfo. Implementation of the program to extend the life of the unit N2 of the Armenian nuclear power plant has become a subject of discussion at yesterday's meeting in Yerevan Minister of energy infrastructures and Natural Resources of Armenia Ashot Manukyan with USAID Director Deborah greaser Armenian office.
According to the press service of the Ministry of energy infrastructures and Natural Resources, in the course of the meeting the Armenian Minister presented the work carried out under the project for the extension of the operation and modernization of the Armenian NPP. According to Ashot Manukyan, in the course of the currently implemented program, a decision will be made on the construction of a new nuclear power unit.
The interlocutors also discussed the construction of a high-voltage power transmission line Armenia- Georgia, as well as the introduction of an electricity metering system (SCADA). The Minister stressed that the construction of the Armenia-Georgia power line is one of Armenia's priorities, and it will be built. "The construction of the power line will create conditions for the formation of the energy corridor Iran-Armenia- Georgia-Russia," Ashot Manukyan said.
It should be noted that the Armenian nuclear power plant consists of two units with Soviet (Russian) WWER reactors. The first unit was commissioned in 1976, the second - in 1980. In March 1989, after the Spitak earthquake, which killed 25 thousand people, the station's work was stopped. In November 1995, in connection with the most acute energy crisis, the second power unit of the station with a capacity of 407.5 MW was involved. In March 2014, the Armenian government decided to extend the life of the second power unit by 10 years - until 2026. The project is coordinated by the subsidiary structure of the State Corporation Rosatom - JSC Rusatom Service. Completion of work is planned for 2019. The Russian government has allocated Armenia for this purpose the state export credit amounting to $ 270 million. And a grant of $ 30 million. In March of 2015 was created by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) on the implementation of program. Five sessions of JCC have been held by today. These days Armenia celebrates the 25th anniversary of cooperation with the US Agency for International Cooperation (USAID). Since 1992, when the USAID mission was opened in Armenia, the US provided assistance to the Armenian people through agency projects in the amount of $ 1 billion. These projects affected virtually all spheres of the Armenian economy and society.