ArmInfo. At the Microsoft Innovation Center, the winners of the innovative ideas and programming contest Hackathon, awarded with the help of Beeline, were awarded prizes. As the press service of Beeline told ArmInfo, the winner - the Lezoo team received a cash prize of $ 3 thousand, and the Iterate and Megista teams that shared the second and third places received $ 1 thousand each.
According to the source, the Lezoo team within the framework of this competition developed a solution that allows not only to make group calls, but also to have simultaneous interpretation. The solution presented by the Iterate team will allow subscribers, viewing ads to collect points, which can then be exchanged for minutes of telephone conversations. And the developed product of the team Megista allows, based on the monitoring of the subscriber's data, to offer him the most advantageous tariff plan of this operator.
"For the business, digital solutions are the guarantee of the future, and it is very important that the tradition of development and application of such solutions is formed in Armenia." As a company representing the sphere of information technologies and telecommunications, we are clearly aware of the importance of digital solutions and contribute to their development in Armenia, "said Beeline in Armenia Andrey Pyatakhin.
After awarding prizes, Beeline Director General in Armenia Andriy Pyatakhin and Director of Microsoft Innovation Center in Armenia Artashes Vardanyan discussed the potential of the market with the winning teams to cooperate with them, further develop their developed products.
Note that the competition of innovative ideas and programming "Hackathon" was held on October 20-21 this year. in the Center of Creative Technologies "TUMO" with the assistance of Beeline and Microsoft Innovation Center. Of the teams submitting the application, 25 were selected, 25 who were to develop experimental versions of the solutions within 24 hours and submit them for evaluation to specialists. As criteria for the title of the winners were determined the innovation of the idea and the degree of practical applicability of the work, which was completed in 24 hours.
We remind that "VEON Armenia" CJSC (Beeline trademark) belongs to the Veon group of companies, which is one of the world's largest integrated telecom operators. The group includes communications companies providing voice and data services based on a wide range of wireless and fixed-line technologies, as well as broadband Internet access to more than 200 million subscribers in Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia , Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Algeria, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The companies of the group provide services under the brands Beeline, Kyivstar, Wind, Mobilink, Banglalink and Djezzy.