ArmInfo. Beeline announces the completion of a large-scale project to modernize the mobile network, the launch of which the company reported in the middle of this year. After the modernization, the coverage area of 2G Beeline network now covers a record 98.6% of Armenia's population. As ArmInfo was told in the press service of the company, in terms of its scale and investments this infrastructure update became the largest for the entire time of the Beeline brand presence in Armenia.
As part of the project, the company upgraded the equipment at all base stations in the country, multiply the capacity and coverage of mobile networks. In particular, 4G network became available in 14 new cities, and in Yerevan its coverage increased by 30%. The data transfer rate in the 4G network has increased to 60 Mb / s. The third generation Beeline network has also been expanded, and now its coverage covers more than 82% of the population of Armenia.
"With great pleasure, I announce the successful completion of the Beeline mobile network modernization project throughout Armenia. We faced an ambitious task, the scale of which was a whole country and hundreds of thousands of our clients. For each of them, our services have now become more modern, faster, more quality, and we will continue to work to make them even easier and more convenient, "said Beeline Director General in Armenia Andrey Pyatakhin.