ArmInfo. By 2017 in Armenia, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA RA Minister of Economic Development and Investments Zarmina Zeituntsyan, the number of tourists visiting Armenia will exceed 1.5 mln. visitors. He was admitted on 19 December in an indoctrinent press conference.
Reporting the 9-month period, Z. Zeituntsyan mntioned that, for official reasons, the reportable period Armenia had sent 1.172 million dollars. tourists, with 21% of the population. According to the UNWTO estimates, the rate of 9% to 12% is unquestionably high, and in developing firms is estimated at 4.4% as a stabile one. By the end of 2017, Armenia is finishing 20-21% of its annual turnover, according to the National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
In the 5th most populous part of the population, who have been living in Armenia in 2017, Russia has gone beyond 447.8. tourists with 31.6%, Georgia - 236.8 thousand. with 10.6% year-on-year, Iran - 180.6%. tourists in 12.6% of the total, 38.4% in the United States, 35.8%, and the top five leaders of Ukraine in the number of tourists in 22.9%, widening in the year to 16.3%. In the percentage ratio, according to Zeituntsyan, very interesting dynamics are corrected by traveling from Lebanon to the 82% year - old, Poland - to 31%, Philippines to 236%, Indians to 168%, to China - to 63.6%, to Kazakhstan - 42%, to UAE - to 119%, to Great Britain - to 24%.
"We can say with confidence that this is the most up-to-date result of the development of the visa procedures, on the key points of the ups and downs of aggressive marketing policies," said the Committee.
In fact, Zeituntsyan has forgotten that this year's tourism development has been $ 200 a year, in 2018 - the sum will be up to $ 400 outside. However, the head of the Committee is either a member of the Board of Directors, as well as a marketing strategy and a new creative approach. At the same time, Zeituntsyan argued that 2016 on the turmoil in the structure of the tourist fleet went to $ 1 billion.
According to RA Minister of Diaspora, by 2016 Armenia will come to an end 1.259 mln. tourists with annual growth of 5.7%.