ArmInfo. Turkmenistan's initiative "Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve sustainable development goals", related to the strengthening and strengthening of links between nations through transport, deserves the highestevaluation. This was announced on February 15 in Yerevan at a briefing dedicated to the UN resolution, initiated by Turkmenistan, "Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve sustainable development goals," said the Ambassador of Belarus to Armenia Igor Nazaruk.
He recalled that 75 countries joined this initiative, including Belarus, which fully shares the aspirations that were voiced by Turkmenistan. "Being geographically in the Center of Europe, Belarus can not remain aloof from issues related to communication. In this regard, Belarus has always paid particular attention to communications, the movement of passengers and cargo, it is very important to maintain these networks in a safe, working condition, at the same time to build up new capacities in order to cope with the increased flow of goods and passengers, "the Belarusian diplomat said.
At the same time, he stressed that the issue of ensuring the safety of cargo transportation was always in the focus of attention of Belarus.
Nazaruk also recalled that Belarus is a full-fledged participant of the Eurasian Economic Union, a state with access to the Western direction. In this connection, he stressed the importance of ensuring the uninterrupted, fast and safe movement of goods for the EAGE countries. "To this end, we are organizing transport and logistics centers with our partners from Russia, China and other countries, we are constantly updating the rolling stock. There are some technical obstacles, in particular, it has historically happened that a narrow railway track is used in most of the territory of the European Union, while the territory of the former Soviet Union is wide, but our scientists and specialists in the EAEU do not stand still, so that the goods from the European part of the EAEU to the West, or from the Kazakhstan territory in the future In parallel, we are actively developing the construction of a railway rolling stock that meets all international standards, "the ambassador said.
At the same time, the Belarusian diplomat stressed the importance of using other types of communications to move material assets, in particular, electric transmission lines, and build them in such a way as to ensure minimum losses. According to him, it is equally important to build up pipeline transport, designed for pumping various gaseous and liquid cargoes - these are gas pipelines and oil pipelines. "At the same time, we understand that the unauthorized leakage of these cargoes is fraught with catastrophic environmental consequences. It is important to maintain these arteries in a safe state. Another important component is air communication. There are issues of organizing optimal logistics and reducing costs, efficiency of passenger and cargo services, which is the decisive factor Yerevan has a good international airport "Zvartnots", where planes come from all over the world, which facilitates communication between peoples, between business. Community, state agencies and I am confident that more such passenger service units, the more stable will be our relations in the age of globalization, it is important to maximize the opening of borders not be closed ", the ambassador of Belarus.