ArmInfo. In Armenia in the first half of 2018, the services sector increased volumes by 18.1% per annum to 777.7 billion AMD ($ 1.6 billion), against the 10.9% growth a year earlier. According to the National Statistical Service of Armenia, only for June the volume of provided services increased by 8.4%, making 151.1 billion AMD ($ 313 million).
In the first half of 2018, by the same period of 2017, service in the sphere of education increased from a 1.6% growth to a 2.4% decline. Services in the transport and financial sectors slowed the rate of annual growth from 14.1% to 12.3% and from 18.9% to 18.2%, respectively.
Service in the areas of accommodation for tourists and catering accelerated growth rates from 18.4% to 25.1%, culture - from 9.4% to 33%, healthcare - from 15% to 24.5%, information and communication - from 4 , 6% to 7.3%, real estate - from 8.9% to 9.9%, administrative and auxiliary activities - from 5.2% to 21.5%, professional, scientific and technical activities - from 0.9% up to 20.1%.
According to the statistical data, the financial sector is leading by volume of provided services - 171.4 billion drams (22% of the total volume), with the lion's share being banks. The second place in the volume of services is occupied by the sphere of culture, entertainment and recreation - 163.3 billion AMD (18.9% of the total volume). The sphere of information and communication occupies the third place - 117.6 billion AMD (16.8%), with the main load accounting for the telecommunications segment. The fourth place is occupied by the transport sector - 99.8 billion drams (13.14%). The five leaders in the volume of provided services are the sphere of catering and tourism - 54.4 bln AMD (6.63%).