ArmInfo. The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission adopted a recommendation according to which the Commission and the authorized bodies of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union will carry out information exchange on consumer protection issues.
According to the EEC press service, the EAEU member states are recommended to annually send information to the Commission, which includes information on the content, goals, objectives, priorities and principles of state policy in the field of consumer protection; about the state system of such protection; on the number and nature of violations of consumer rights revealed by the results of state control (supervision) or on the basis of citizens' appeals; on activities aimed at legal regulation in this area and others.
The recommendation was prepared by the Department of Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Measures of the EEC together with the authorized bodies of the Union countries for the implementation of paragraph 3 of the Action Plan of the Commission for the implementation of the priorities of the Belarusian chairmanship set out in the address of President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to the heads of the member states dated January 1 of this year.
Information on the system of state and public protection of consumer rights, on the sectors of legal relations most susceptible to consumer risks, as well as on measures taken in countries in this direction, the Commission will place in the section <Protection of consumer rights> (https: //potrebitel.eaeunion. org) on the portal of general information resources and open data of the Union. This will make it possible to continuously monitor the situation in this area.