"Lydian Armenia" was instructed not to carry out activities until a new examination
 Monday, August 27 2018, 14:46

ArmInfo. "Lydian Armenia"  CJSC was instructed not to carry out any activities to develop the  Amulsar deposit before conducting a new examination and taking a  decision on the basis of this examination. This was reported by the  press service of the inspection body for the protection of nature and  the bowels of the RA.

Results of the study on Amulsar deposit to be published in the near  future
 Tuesday, August 7 2018, 19:10

ArmInfo. "The inspection body  completed its study on the Amulsar deposit and will publish its  results soon," Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan said in  a live broadcast by Azatutyun.TV.

 Friday, August 3 2018, 20:39


Vice Prime Minister: Lydian Armenia`s latest statement requires  objective and consistent research
 Friday, July 27 2018, 19:09

ArmInfo.  The last message of  the company Lydian Armenia requires an objective and consistent  investigation. Vice Premier of Armenia Tigran Avinyan made a  statement on the popular Lydian Armenia video. This was reported by  the press service of the government.

Prime Minister: If Amulsar issue was initiated under my rule - I  would not allow the start of project
 Monday, July 16 2018, 16:07

ArmInfo. "If the Amulsar issue were initiated under my rule, I would not allow the start of the project," Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan told a live on  his Facebook page on a commentary on one of the users of the social  network that if Pashinyan was an oppositionist, he would oppose the  exploitation of the Amulsar deposit.

 Wednesday, July 11 2018, 19:57


Pashinyan: ``Lydian`` company has already made 80% of investments in  Amulsar deposit and we can not ignore this fact 
 Friday, July 6 2018, 13:43

ArmInfo. ""Initially, I would not want a mine like Amulsar to be developed near the resort town of Jermuk," Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated in the city  of Jermuk at a meeting with representatives of the Lydian company and  environmentalists protesting the development of the Amulsar mine.

Ministry of Energy: ``Amulsar`` deposit project should be considered  successful experience with use of up- to-date technologies
 Tuesday, June 12 2018, 16:55

ArmInfo.Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of Armenia refused to discuss the issue on suspending the program of Amulsar gold deposit  development. A letter addressed to environmental and non-governmental  organizations of the country published on ecolur.org notes that the  right of using deposits can be suspended if the Natural Resources  Code is violated.

 Monday, June 11 2018, 19:47


Lydian Armenia welcomes the call for responsible mining
 Friday, May 25 2018, 18:49

ArmInfo. The companies statement reads: Lydian  Armenia shares the belief expressed by Armenia's Government in a  recent statement that all mining companies, need to comply with  environmental regulations ensuring the protection of the environment  and the well-being of our citizens. To this effect, we welcome the  initiative to undertake environmental compliance audits of the mining  industry to ensure that compliance is uniformly achieved and enforced  throughout the mining sector. Over the last days, several mining  companies in the country have been targeted, including Lydian's  Amulsar Project, with protests manifested by road blockages  disrupting operations. The protests at Amulsar led to peaceful  counter-protests by Lydian employees and company supporters from the  communities demanding from the protesters to restore their right to  work. The protesters have been alleging deficiencies in environmental  compliance and inconsistent hiring practices. Lydian has an  established grievance procedure and encourages all stakeholders, to  formally communicate specific concerns and grievances to the company  and thereby achieve resolutions that are mutually acceptable.  Presently, all access roads to Amulsar's project are open, workers  have returned to site, and construction activities are returning to  normal.  

Lydian Armenia presented first annual report on Amulsar project
 Tuesday, May 22 2018, 16:17

ArmInfo. Formed by Lydian, an  independent advisory group that monitors the Amulsar development  project, presented its first annual report. The head of the group,  Dr.  John Harker, announced during a press conference on May 22.

Lydian Company to continue security culture development in Armenia
 Tuesday, May 15 2018, 12:06

ArmInfo. "Lydian Armenia"  company reports that an important achievement has been registered in  the sphere of health and labor protection. For 2 million man-hours in  the implementation of the program of development of the Amulsar  deposit, not a single incident was recorded.  The press service of  the company reports.

Post of president and general director of Lydian International will be occupied by Joao Carrello
 Thursday, May 3 2018, 15:19

ArmInfo. Joao Carrello will  succeed as president and CEO of Lydian International, Howard  Stevenson. This is stated in the company's official announcement.

Lydian Armenia allocated $ 83,000 to implement programs specifically designed for women`s social development
 Wednesday, March 7 2018, 19:49

ArmInfo. While we are highlighting a few of our female team members, many more are behind the scenes. Mining continues to be largely men dominated industry not only in Armenia but worldwide.

Armenia is represented at the 86th exhibition and conference of the Association of Miners and Eater of Canada in Toronto
 Monday, March 5 2018, 18:39

ArmInfo. Headed by the Deputy Minister of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia Vardan Gevorgyan, the Armenian delegation participates in the 86th exhibition and conference of the Association of Miners and Explorers Canada (PDAC) in Toronto.

Lydian Armenia eliminated consequences of accident at drinking water pipeline in Gndevaz
 Friday, February 9 2018, 14:18

ArmInfo. Lydian Armenia,  which is engaged in gold mining at the Amulsar deposit, reports on  the liquidation of the consequences of the accident on the water  supply system, which supplies the community of Gndevaz with drinking  water.

Amulsar program was awarded a certificate of compliance with ICMC standards in pre-production cycle
 Wednesday, January 24 2018, 19:08

ArmInfo. The program of exploitation of Amulsar gold deposit of Lydian Armenia company was awarded a certificate of compliance with the standards of the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMC) in the pre-production cycle. The International Institute of Management of Cyanide officially notified the company.

With the assistance of Lydian Armenia, the agricultural cooperative Heavy Basket will start exporting agricultural products
 Thursday, January 11 2018, 18:58

ArmInfo. "Heavy Basket"  Agricultural Consumer Cooperative, which was established in 2017 in  Gndevaz community of RA Vayots Dzor region, includes members from the  nearby communities of Jermuk, Gorayk and Saravan. The Cooperative  summed up the Year 2017 with progress & key steps towards its  establishment:  cooperative registration, product presentation during  Christmas Bazar and its official opening ceremony. 

SInce  2017, the company Lidian Armenia paid $ 863.3 thousand for the rent of land to the budgets of local authorities.
 Thursday, December 28 2017, 11:56

ArmInfo. In 2017, the company "Lydian Armenia" paid $ 863.3 thousand to the budgets of local authorities for renting the land, the company informed ArmInfo.

Lydian Armenia Invests 100.000 USD for the Renovation of Vayk Hospital
 Friday, December 15 2017, 09:40

ArmInfo. At Lydian Armenia,  health and safety culture is of outmost importance. With the start of  construction works at Amulsar the Company  initiated a renovation and  refurbishment of the hospital in Vayk, one of the nearby towns of  Amulsar. This hospital has been identified as the most strategic  medical facility to serve the needs of the project in case of  emergency situations.   

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