ArmInfo.In Q1 2016, as compared to the same period of 2015, the wholesales trade increased 4.7% to 173bln drams ($354mln) amid 1.1% decline of general trade to 434.5bln drams ($889mln). For comparison, a year earlier, the wholesale trade fell 5.1% year-on-year amid 6.3% y-o-y decline of general trade. In March alone, the trade turnover in Armenia increased 16.7% to 170.1bln drams, in particular, the wholesale trade increased 24.7%, retail trade - 11.3% and trade in cars - 12.1%.
According to the National Statistical Service of Armenia, retail trade slackened to 4.8% y-o-y from 6.3% in Q1 2015 to 248.8bln drams ($509mln). Decline of the purchase and sale of cars for Q1 2016 reduced from 16.1% in Q1 2015 to 1.3% making up 12.8bln drams ($26.2mln). Retail trade accounts for 57% of general trade, wholesale trade accounts for 40% of total and trading in cars - 3%.
The share of stores (incl. supermarkets) in retail trade is 75.2% or 187mln bln drams (0.8% y-o-y growth). Other trading facilities account for 34.3bln drams or 13.8% of total retail trade (23.2% y-o-y decline). Consumer goods markets made up 16.8bln drams or 6.8% of total (down 10.6% y-o-y), kiosks - 6.5bln drams or 2/6% of total (down 5.1% y-o-y), and agricultural market - 4bln drams or 1.6% (3.4%
y-o-y growth).
The market exchange rate of the Armenian dram and the U.S. dollars for Jan-Mar 2016 averaged 488.67AMD/1USD, in March alone - 486.33AMD/1USD, versus 477.26AMD/1USD in Q1 2015 and 477.65AMD/1USD in March 2015.