ArmInfo. Within 2017 the Armenian government expects to receive official grants amounting to 31 bln drams (around $165 mln) from foreign countries and international organizations, according to the state budget message for the next year presented to the National Assembly of Armenia.
Particularly in 2017 Armenia will receive an official grant from the EU amounted to 9.2 bln drams or 17.3 mln EUR. In 2016 Armenia has attracted grants from the EU amounted to 12.6 bln drams. Armenia also hopes to get loans from the EU amounted to 4.3 bln drams. Within target-oriented assistance programs it is expected to attract affiliated grants amounted to about 21.8 bln drams or $46 mln, of which 8.7 bln drams or $18.4 mln within grant programs implemented with the EU's assistance.
1.6 bln drams or $3.3 mln will be received within the life extension program of the Unit 2 of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant implemented via assistance from Russia.
2.2 bln drams or $4.7 mln will be attracted within grant program implemented with German Development Bank's (KfW) assistance.
Besides, grants will be received from the World Bank amounted to $6.4 mln or 3 bln drams.
Within the North-South (Tranche-3) road corridor program implemented through grant funds from the European Investment Bank it is planned to receive 1 bln drams or $2 mln.
0.8 bln drams or $1.7 mln will be attracted within grant program of development of Armenia's agricultural capacities implemented with assistance from Denmark.
2.3 bln drams or $4.7 mln wil lbe received from the Global Fund as an assistance to programs on fighting HIV/AIDS. With assistance from Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership fund grant programs are being implemented in Armenia, for which it is expected to receive 1.5 bln drams or $3.1 mln drams.