ArmInfo. A buckwheat processing plant will be founded in Tsovagyugh community, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Armen Harutyunyan stated at the press conference on December 2.
The Deputy Minister informed that opening of the plant is scheduled for the next week. The Deputy Minister recalled that within the European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) emphasis was put on production of buckwheat. As a result of program implementation UN specialists have calculated that in one year 1.2 to 3 tons of yield was gathered from 1 ha of buckwheat fields. At the same time Harutyunyan noted that the year was experimental and it is expected that yield will grow next year.
To recall, the European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) launched in Armenia in January 2015 and is designed to support the agricultural institutions, encourage the development of farmers' associations and improve access to more affordable food in the European Neighborhood countries. Within the framework of the Program, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provide technical support to the Government of Armenia in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, local authorities and other stakeholders. Deputy Head of Shirak region Harutyun Arshakyan stated in August 2016 that within the ENPARD program 510ha of buckwheat fields are grown in Armenia, 240ha of which are in Shirak region.