ArmInfo. Yandex Cashbox experts conducted a study on where Armenian nationals are intended to see in the Christmas and what gifts are they going to buy. Within this purpose Armenian nationals' Yandex Cashbox online payments were studied. As of today, more than 75 thousand shops and online services throughout the world accept payments through Yandex.
As it became obvious due to results of the study mentioned, many Armenians are going travel and to visit relatives during Christmas holidays. In December the number of travelers' tickets sold was higher than that in November.
In run-up to the Christmas users also renew their outfit stock - in December they have spent for that via internet clothing, shoes and accessories shops 60% more money versus that in November.
The Yandex Cashbox study shows it is most likely that this year many people plan to present Christmas gifts to their friends and relatives. In December Armenian shoppers have spent for home goods and appliances 1,5 time more than a month earlier. The average price of purchase is AMD 29 152 (hereinafter - based on the Central Bank rate as per December 28). The demand for cars accessories has essentially grown - the number of payments in this segment grew twice, and the average cash check formed AMD 28 439 . And the interest for souvenirs dropped down - users have spent for those 3,4 times shorter than in November.
The study considered payments implemented through the Yandex Cashbox for December and November this, as well as for November 2015. Yandex cashbox supports online purchase with different tools - for instance, by electronic wallets, plastic cards and cash. According to the study implemented by MARS international research company, Yandex Cashbox is the most popular payment tool in Russia for 2016.