ArmInfo. Despite the challenges still existing for Armenian economy, particularly related to the local market and export potential being restricted, as well as due to taxation reasons and qualifications assurance ( diplomas, degrees, certificates etc), the involvement of Syrian Armenians in the economic life of the country in general could be estimated as positive. This is stated in the annual report of the Economic Development and Research Center (EDRC), implemented within the support of Deutsche Gesellschaftfur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
The regular report on economic situation in Armenia comprises two parts - the first part assumes general analysis of economic developments in Armenia, and the second part reviews the issues of economic integration of Syrian Armenians in Armenia. " The major part of Syrian Armenians, at least particularly, earns money with self occupation. The incomes of such families are being capsulated from different sources," the report reads. Many Syrian Armenians are occupied in the field of SME and they propose services of high quality. Within this, as the report reads, the female involvement is at very low level.
According to the source, for 18% of families the main life income are the assets accumulated and selling of valuable goods, and for 5% it is the aid coming from abroad. 42% of Syrians have received aid from Charity Organizations.
The results of the survey implemented in respect to Armenian refugees from Syria, 98,7% of those prefers to live in Yerevan, because 30% are familiar with urban life, 25 % motivate their decision with the absence of jobs outside the Capital, 15 % with the resources of the country being restricted , 7% - with small volumes of the market, and 5% - with the low level of life. Meanwhile, only 47% of Syrian Armenians live in their own apartments or flats. 90% live in leased or rented houses. 69% of those estimated their housing conditions as satisfactory, 17,3% evaluated those as bad or very bad, and 14% - as good or very good.
Estimating own life level, 2% of respondents called themselves as extremely poor, 24% - poor, and 39% estimate themselves being at lower average level. However, 3/4 of Syrian Armenian refugees are satisfied with their lives conditions in Armenia.
To remind, due to Syrian conflict the country has been abandoned by many nationals, including Armenian community habitants. Many people had left for Lebanon, USA, Canada and other countries. Armenia is the third country in Europe due to the number of refugees rendered an asylum, being left behind only by Germany and Sweden. According to the Ministry of Diaspora of Armenia, before combat actions started, about 10 000 Armenians lived in Syria. 21 00 Armenians arrived to Armenia from Syria, 17 000 of which settled permanent residence in Armenia. According to different sources, by the end of 2016 only 20-25 000 Armenians still lived in Syria, 11-12 00 of which in Aleppo. According to the Government, the Historical Motherland is ready to accept them all, if there will be such a need.