ArmInfo. Within the framework of a special offer, Ameriabank has expanded the range of sectors enjoying privileges. From now on, along with the healthcare employees, the representatives of audit/accounting sector, insurance and credit organizations, as well as mining, power engineering and IT sectors can make use of Ameriabank services on preferential terms, Arman Barseghyan, Retail Banking at Ameriabank CJSC, said at a press conference in Yerevan on March 21. He noted that the choice of the sectors has been made with due regard for the sectors' durability amid economic shocks and ability to resist the risks.
Barseghyan pointed out that within the framework of the special offer, the employees of the aforementioned sectors will enjoy the following privileges: loan rates ranging from 15% to 18%; facilitated mechanism of provision of limits without appraisal of a customer's credit capacity; revolving loan limit in the 8-fold amount of a borrower's income; ordinary loan limit in the 12-fold amount of a borrower's income. He added that in case of mortgage lending, the loan-to-collateral ratio will be increased by 15% (versus the current 70%). In other words, the advanced payment will be reduced to 15% from the current 30%.
He pointed out that jointly with Visa International, Ameriabank will provide the customers of the chosen segments with Gold cards for an annual fee of AMD 5,000. "The customers, whose transactions turnover will make up AMD 100,000 within the first months, will have an opportunity to get 2 tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest," he said. ArCa cards will be provided for free, while Visa Electron/Cirrus Maestro - for AMD 1,000, Visa Classic/Master Card Standard - for AMD 3,000, Master‘ard Gold - for AMD 10,000, Visa /Master Card/Platinum - for AMD 25,000.
At the same time, the Personal package meant for the middle-tier of the Bank's customer segment will be provided to the representatives of the chosen sectors for an annual fee of AMD 20,000. Online banking and mobile banking will also have privileges - the target customer service will be free of charge.
In 2016, Ameriabank increased the number of plastic cards by 10% from 68,497 to 75,154. The retail lending to SMEs grew by 81% to AMD 12.9 bln, the total retail lending of the Bank rose by 28.5% to AMD 57.2 bln. Ameriabank's portfolio of time deposits increased by 22% to AMD 129 bln.
According to ArmInfo's Financial Rating of Armenian Banks, in 2016 Ameriabank's assets grew by 39.2% to AMD 718.3 bln or $1.5 bln, the loan book - by 61.4% and investments in government bonds - by 44.2%. As a result, the Bank's lending rose to AMD 511.6 bln or $1.1 bln, and investments in government bonds - to AMD 47.5 bln or $98.1 mln. In 2016, the total capital of the Bank increased by 8.6% to AMD 64.4 bln or $133.1 mln due to the fact that the accumulated profit rose by 23.4% to AMD 24.3 bln or $50.1 mln. In 2016, the net profit of the bank amounted to AMD 6.2 bln or $12.8 mln (up 29.2% versus 2015). By 1 Jan 2017, the regulatory capital of Ameriabank amounted to AMD 81.9 bln, which is almost thrice as much as the CBA's minimum regulatory capital standard that came into effect on 1 Jan 2017 (AMD 30 bln). The capital adequacy ratio made up 15.87% (versus the required min 12%), overall liquidity - 31.23% (versus the required min 15%), day-to-day liquidity - 133.17% (versus the required min 60%), versus respective 15.07%, 29.91% and 151.26% a year before.
To note, Ameriabank is a universal bank providing investment, corporate and retail banking services. The bank has been operating on the Armenian market since October 31, 1996. The branch network of the Bank comprises 12 branches, 8 of them in Yerevan and 4 in the provinces. As of 1 Jan 2017, the shareholders are Ameria Group CY Ltd (65.8%), EBRD (20.7%) and ESPS Holding Limited (13.5%).