ArmInfo. Ameriabank reached higher indicators in respect to the cover share at Armenian e-commerce - over 50%. This was stated on April 19th by Arman Barseghyan, the retaild banking Director of Ameriabank during comprehensice discussions with electronic commerce market participants.
He mentioned that these high results were reached to consequent targeted work of the Bank in the context of cooperation setting with trade entities representatives. Followinghis words, Ameria Bank has 201 partners in the sector of electronic commerce.
Answering the question of ArmInfo reporter regarding following steps within the purpose of Armenian e- commerce development, Barseghyan mentioned that Ameriabank is intended to develop digital banking as the priority sector. Regarding upcoming plans the Retail Banking Director mentioned the following:
"Soon we will present t a new platform, which conforms to a well known analog of the market. Now we are at the completion stage and we will be ready to present it to the public within several months.". He mentioned also that from the point of tariff policy Ameriabank permanently works on digital services cost decrease. "Most probably, in the future these services will be proposed by Ameriabank free of charge. From the point of risks reduction and efficiency it is completely justified. If we fail to do that, we will face risks of competitiveness decrease after a while." The discussions held were attended by UCOM Commercial Director Aram Barseghyan, ArmenTel Commercial Director Hayk Karapetyan, Menu Group Director Vahan Keropyan and others. According to the study implemented by Ameria Group, the survey held in respect to 1200 clients of Ameriabank fetched out that in Armenian regions the online payments are implemented by 18% of respondents, in Yerevan - 21 %. The most active users of online services of electronic commerce are the nationals of 25-34 age, with 41% men and 22% - women. According to experts, the highest potential in Armenia is held by other services rendering at internal market, which is preconditioned by increasing interest to online payments expressed by local companies providing different services.