ArmInfo. Import growth speed up compared to export increased negative balance of Armenian foreign trade turnover in QI 2017 for 45.9% annually. At that, export growth temps slowed down in QI 2017 to 16.5% annually from 26.3% a year ago, while the dynamic of the import sharply increased - jumping from negative 15,9% of last year to current positive 17,9%.
After all, the rising dynamics either for export and import fastened the annual growth of foreign trade in QI of 2017 from 3,8% of last year up to 17,4 % currently. Within this, the economic activity in the country increased in QI of 2017 for 6,6% annual, in March the same indicator grew to 6,8%, and for march only - for 14,3%, versus the growth of last year standing at 5,5%, 6,6% and 13,8%.respectively
According to the preliminary data of the national Statistics Service of RA, the foreign turnover of Armenia in QI of 2017 formed AMD 605.6 bln, (USD 1246.8 mln), particularly the export forming AMD 215.2 bln ( USD 443.1 mln), import - AMD 390.4 bln (USD 803.7 mln), which generated negative saldo of foreign trade at the level of AMD 175.2 bln (USD 360.6 mln).
Only in March 2017, the foreign turnover increased for 12,6% due to the export growth for 10,8% and import for 13,6 %. In annual view ( March 2017 versus March 2016) the 8,9% growth of foreign trade turnover was generated mostly by the esxport increase for 10, 6%, while the import grew for 8%. Only in march 2017 the negative balance of Armenian foreign trade increased for 17,2%, forming AMD 68.8 bln (USD 141,6 mln).