ArmInfo. Followig the gradation of Organization on Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Armenia is still in the penultimate sixth risk grade OECD updates its rating of countries in annual mood. Depending on the degree of territorial risk, the rating is being updated periodically based on the results of the econometric model that processes the newest data of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on the financial and economic situation of the classified country, as well as data on the experience of payments by export credit insurance companies of OECD countries., the non-qualifying factor of political risk, as well as other factors and experience not included in the initial data of the model, is being estimated together with indicators of the degree of risk assessed by the model.
It should be noted that the countries with the highest level of territorial risk are set out in the 7th category, and in the 1st category the countries with a minimum risk level are noted . The 0 (zero) category includes countries that do not consider the existence of territorial risks, and commercial risks insurance should occur on a commercial basis, i.e. without any state support. The classification of each country ,as a rule, is being done once in a year, unless there are any extraordinary events taking place. This year only CIS countries of Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine remained at the lowest 7th risk level. Belarus, compared to last year, increased its indicator to 6, which corresponds to the remaining CIS countries, except Russia - the 4th category and Azerbaijan - the 5th risk category.