ArmInfo. Due to the devaluation of the ruble, inflation in Russia can reach 7%, and in the post-Soviet countries it may be higher than in Russia. On March 12, through a Moscow-Yerevan-Bishkek-Tbilisi-Minsk video conversation, answering a question from ArmInfo correspondent, Alexey N. Zubets, Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), said.
The expert determined his opinion to a greater extent by the fact that under the current conditions, Russians will refuse to purchase goods and services, will reduce consumption, save money, put them in a bank, as a result of which import will suffer. <Import always suffers more and more seriously than domestic consumption. Exporting countries will be in a more difficult situation than Russian producers>, he said.
However, Zubets emphasized that Russia does not expect serious inflation disasters. In an optimistic scenario, this situation will resolve in a few months, in the worst case, by the end of the year. "The Russian economy and the countries of the post-Soviet space will feel improvement by the fall of this year and the situation will stabilize," the expert stated.