ArmInfo. On February 6, the Government of Armenia approved the draft decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia <On approval of Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to the Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Eurasian Development Bank on providing a grant from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development to finance the project <Improving the quality of financial reporting of public sector organizations of the Republic of Armenia>.
As stated in the explanatory note to the document, the Agreement on providing a grant in the amount of $2 million from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development to finance the project <Improving the quality of financial reporting of public sector organizations of the Republic of Armenia> was signed on February 6, 2024 and entered into force on August 2.
The purpose of the implementation of the program envisaged by the agreement is to promote the improvement of the efficiency of public finance management in the Republic of Armenia.
<With the grant funds of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, provided for by the agreement, it was planned to develop a methodology and tools for consolidating the financial statements of public sector organizations of the Republic of Armenia, develop (purchase) the relevant software for preparing consolidated financial statements of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia and its subordinate SNCOs, as well as organize comprehensive training of specialists in training specialists for these reports.
However, given the fact that in parallel with ensuring the procedures for negotiations and the entry into force of the Agreement, the Republic of Armenia has also begun implementing the Public Finance Management Information System, an objective need has arisen to make certain changes to the current agreement in order to ensure harmony with the latter>, the document says. The changes and additions mainly concern the procedures for conducting purchases and allocating funds.