ArmInfo.On February 13, the Government of Armenia approved the draft decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia <On approval of the financing agreement between the Republic of Armenia, Romania and the European Commission <Interreg NEXT Program for the Black Sea Basin> with a total budget of 72 million 275 thousand euros.
As stated in the explanatory note to the document, within the framework of the European Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Program for 2021-2027, an agreement was signed between the Republic of Armenia, Romania and the European Commission on June 28, April 16 and April 9, 2024 on the financing of the grant program <Interreg NEXT for the Black Sea Basin> for 2021-2027, which is aimed at promoting long-term cross-border cooperation of the Black Sea countries in the areas of green and blue economy, environmental protection, territorial development, research and implementation and application of innovative technologies.
It is noted that projects aimed at cross-border cooperation can receive funding within the framework of the Program.
The total budget of the Programme is EUR 72,275,137 (for all participating countries), of which EU grant funding amounts to EUR 65,047,623 (90% of the total) and is provided to projects submitted by consortia consisting of legal entities from participating countries that have successfully passed the selection stages of the Programme.
The remaining 10% is co-financing by the participating state (payment of salaries of relevant employees of state bodies involved in the national coordination and management of the Programme).
The Programme is a framework programme, with beneficiary countries of the Black Sea region (Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine and Moldova) signing separate financing agreements, and the grant funds will be used to finance joint projects involving countries of the region.
The overall project will focus on innovative and smart economic transformation and promotion of regional cooperation, as well as the transition to a greener, low-carbon economy, a zero-carbon economy and clean and renewable energy, promoting green and blue investments and a circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management and sustainable urban mobility. The project envisages:
Developing and expanding research and innovation capacity, applying advanced technologies, 2. Applying approaches aimed at climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention and ecosystem conservation, 3. Strengthening the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, as well as reducing all types of pollution.
The beneficiaries of the program may be state and territorial authorities, as well as local governments, foundations, public organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, academic and educational institutions, cultural and archaeological associations.
Armenia has been participating in the Black Sea cross-border cooperation program since 2007. Within the framework of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument for 2007-2013, as well as within the European Neighborhood Instrument in 2014-2020, 38 projects have been implemented by consortia formed with the participation of Armenian beneficiaries.
The financing agreement does not create financial obligations for the Republic of Armenia.