ArmInfo.In general, Armenia has already achieved what it was striving for within the framework of the reform to liberalize the energy market. This was stated by the Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of the Republic of Armenia Mesrop Mesropyan in an interview with journalists on March 10.
"The reform itself is not easy, and from time to time we face various difficulties. But, until today, we have managed to solve all the problems in the process and move forward," he said.
Thus, over the past period, many large consumers were able to register on the online platform, become a market participant and get the opportunity to purchase electricity at a lower price. That is, an exchange for the sale of electricity will be formed.
At the same time, the head of the PSRC indicated that the goal of liberalizing the electricity market is not to reduce prices, but to eradicate the monopoly of and abandon the average tariff. As a result, each customer will pay for electricity to the extent that he creates problems for the system.
As the head of the Regulator pointed out, Armenia has great potential for solar energy. Currently, the total capacity of solar panels located on the roofs of houses is 420 MW, more than 300 MW is generated by production stations. And this is only half of the available resource, Mesropyan added.
, he pointed out.
Since February 1, 2022, a gradual liberalization has started in Armenia, which means that some stations will no longer have a tariff formed by the PSRC, but will start selling their electricity at a price formed as a result of supply and demand in the market. They will become participants in the wholesale trade market, whose entities will purchase this electricity under market conditions. In Armenia, the Market Liberalization and Electricity Trade Program is being implemented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Public Services Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure are actively involved in the process.