ArmInfo. Nowadays Armenia, with high-profile professionals, has no proper technologies and raw materials for the production of high-quality medicines. Such an opinion expressed representative of one of the leading distribution companies ARMFARM Lusine Gareginyan in an interview to ArmInfo, on the sidelines of the EXPO-2017 "Health and Pharmacy" exhibition
"In my opinion, today Armenia is not a state which can produce drugs and medicines, which are popular both in domestic market and abroad. We are not yet at that stage, we do not have such opportunities", she said.
In particular, the expert noted that the major part of the drugs, ARMFARM imports from India and Ukraine, to a lesser extent drugs are imported from Russia and Italy, which in her opinion, corresponds the market demand. "In the past year we have managed to increase volumes due to the increased deliveries of medicines from India and Ukraine, in particular, through the establishment of cooperation with new partners", noticed Gareginyan. In this regard, she stressed that ARMFARM is the first importer of "Corvalol" (Ukraine) in tablets and "Boro Plus" (India).
According to Gareginyan, by now, ARMFARM supplies imported medicines in all capital and regional pharmacies, as well as exports them to the NKR. At the same time the company participates and wins the tenders for the supply of medicines, declared by hospitals in Armenia.
To note, ARMFARM pharmaceutical company was founded in 1997, it is one of the leading companies in Armenia. The company has a network of pharmacies, is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, import and export.
According to the Armenian National Statistical Service, in January-December 2016, the production of pharmaceutical products in Armenia grew by 6% to 8.1 billion AMD against the growth by 25.1% in 2015.