ArmInfo. Prime Minister of Armenia Karen Karepetyan called on September 14 at a government meeting to pay due attention to the quality of the Armenian brand. According to the prime minister, the conducted studies revealed some problems between the volumes of purchased grapes and wine raw materials, which contains certain risks.
In order to increase the efficiency of the process of buying grapes, monitoring the quality of wine raw materials and eliminating existing risks, the Prime Minister instructed the RA Minister of Agriculture to periodically, in a week-long section, summarize the results of purchases of grapes by procurement companies.The Head of the State Food Safety Service of Armenia was instructed to monitor, based on the information received, the relevant companies to compare the volumes of wine raw materials with the volumes of purchased grapes. Based on the monitoring conducted, it is entrusted to submit relevant proposals to the Government staff. "We have a definite tendency to increase the sales of wine and cognac, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Development Fund of Armenia are working intensively to expand the market, we must pay appropriate attention to quality control of this product - the quality of the Armenian brand," the head of government said. According to the National Statistical Service, wine production in Armenia in the first half of 2017 increased by 29.8% compared to the same period in 2016 and amounted to 3.8 million liters, cognac - by 60.9% and amounted to 14 million liters, and The production of vodka decreased by 36% and amounted to 2.44 million liters. |
According to the report of the Customs Service of Armenia, in 2016 Armenia exported 1.8 million liters of wine with an annual growth of 27.7%, with the customs value increasing by 43.6% to $ 5.9 million. In the first half of the year, wine exports increased by 61% to 1271.9 thousand liters, with the increase in customs value by 84.3% to $ 4.7 mLn.